Commons at Stanton Square
The Commons at Stanton Square is 43,000 square foot facility that serves as the new headquarters for Martha's Table. The facility also shares the space with The Community of Hope. Both are nonprofit organizations that serve Washington DC Ward 8 residents. The space houses offices for for both MT and CoH, as well as a commercial grade kitchen, classrooms, outdoor playground and a very unique common area for gatherings.
As the building shares space with MT & CoH, there was a need to provide a means to share the cost of electricity between the 2 occupants based on use. This was achieved by the use of panelboards that allow metering and reporting of use down to the branch circuit level.
F.B. Harding worked with all the other sub-contractors throughout the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process. The project was completed in June 2018, within the construction schedule.